Manifesto in defense of Platform #SOSPreceivesCovid19 measures
Nafarroako jendarteko hainbat lagun 2020ko ekainaren 15

On 22 April 2020, the Manifesto of Political Will for the Health and Life of Prisoners was published under the slogan #SOSpresoakcovid19, jointly signed by four entities: Salhaketa Nafarroa, Etxerat, Altsasuko Gurasoak and Sare Herritarra. Since then, several initiatives have been taken to make visible the situation of prisoners in these times of coronavirus. The document stresses that this health emergency should prioritize the human and general rights of prisoners, in line with what has been pointed out since the beginning of the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture.

"Isolation of prisoners in the cells for most of the day, interruption of exits, family visits and suspension of activities... measures that, besides not being sufficient to protect the health of prisoners, violate their rights"

All of us who subscribe to this text believe that it is necessary to respect the life and health of all people, whether or not they are imprisoned, and to put it above any other subject; that is why we want to publicly express our support for document #SOSPresoakCovid19. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, social criteria have had different effects. Prisoners are undoubtedly one of the most vulnerable groups in this situation. On the one hand, prisons are high contagion centers of COVID-19, as they are containment centers and, in many cases, there are too many prisoners in most of them; on the other hand, at this time when the main message is #nietxeanatuarte, the containment is double when it is a prison, it is contrary to the basic rights of the prisoners and, ultimately, the criterion of mass compliance becomes more difficult.

For all these reasons, prisons are a vulnerable place in terms of pollution and, furthermore, special care must be taken with regard to the limitation of rights. However, the measures taken so far by the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions have focused mainly on this: the isolation of prisoners in the dungeons for most of the day, the cessation of exits, visits and family activities, etc. ; measures which, in addition to not being sufficient to protect the health of prisoners, constitute a total violation of their rights. Therefore, it is still necessary for the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions to take decisions and implement them, bearing in mind that the disease will accompany us for a while, but always with the rights of the prisoners.

"To reduce the number of prisoners in prisons, to seek alternatives to custodial sentences and to release prisoners with short sentences or low risk profiles directly, as well as those who are particularly vulnerable to the virus"

- already restricted - to establish measures that respect or, being understood in a broader sense, respect human rights. There is an urgent need to start implementing real and effective measures to deal with the pandemic, with the aim of reducing the number of prisoners, seeking alternatives to custodial sentences and directly release prisoners with short sentences or low risk profiles, as well as those who are particularly vulnerable to the virus (over 65 years old, sick, pregnant women and with sons and daughters in prison). That is to say, measures that comply with the requirements of document #SOSpresoakcovid19 and the recommendations of the higher European authorities on health and human rights. In addition, in the specific case of Navarre, we agree that all prisoners should be punished in the place where they are based, as established in the General Penitentiary Organic Law, and for this it is urgent that they be brought to Navarre in this health crisis.

Finally, looking to the future, we call for this new pandemic situation and the mass confinement of the population to be an opportunity to reflect on the new avenues of the penal system and penitentiary policy, seeking models that put health, life and dignity first.

**Sign the opinion article:

Mikel Armendariaz Barrenechea Lawyer and coordinator of the Prison Legal Orientation Service of the Bar Association of Pamplona, in the prison of Pamplona

Jone Premio Larraioz. Justice Worker

Fernando Armendariz Arbizu. Human Rights Activist

French Peace Lecumberri. Professor of Criminal Law, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Izaskun Garzan Zudaire. Worker of the Government of Navarra

Enrique Villareal “El Drogas”. Musician

Patricia Amigot Leache. Professor of Social Work of the Public University of Navarra

Mikel Urra Nuin. Physician of the Hospital Complex of Navarra

Oinatz Bengoetxea Berasategi. Pelotari professional

Hedoi Etxarte Moreno. Writer