Sortzen calls for help to deal with the economic losses of the Pamplona holiday
  • Yesterday Sortzen held his annual holiday in the park of the Taconera de Pamplona/Iruña, although due to bad weather many events were suspended, especially in the early morning and at noon. In the morning, however, the youth and the elderly enjoyed the wizard Hodei and in the afternoon also took to the streets the concerts announced.  
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 20a
Argazkia: Sortzen

The fears of the weekend became reality and the rain and cold made the party have a huge impact. If, in good time, thousands of people come to the party, in yesterday’s, there were hundreds. Sortzen maintained the Vistabella area for the Taconera, but the Ekitaldes of Basotxo were suspended. This year’s edition was marked by good weather. During the morning of Sunday, several areas of the Paseo del Arga in Pamplona/Iruña were closed through the overflow of the river.

Sortzen has asked for help in dealing with the losses suffered at the party and has opened a current account for this purpose: ES98 3035 0058 30 0581172598

In the evening concerts there was animation. (Ed. X.Letona


Below, video posted by