Eztena collaborates with six theatrical works at the beginning of the creative process
  • The Eztena Performing Arts Festival has launched the “Puneberg Scholarships” to promote the creation and exhibition of new stage pieces. The deadline for submitting projects will be 15 May.
Peru Iparragirre @peruiparragirre 2022ko maiatzaren 04a
Argazkia: Amets Badiola

Picar!, organizer of the festival Eztena The group has launched the “Puneberg Scholarships” to support six theatrical works. The scholarships are intended to support any artist, individual and collective in the development of projects in the field of living arts.

Six projects will be selected, of which two will be Errenteria projects. Among others, the selected projects will have a subsidy of 600 euros, the possibility of a one-day residence at the Lekuona Factory in Errenteria and the possibility of carrying out a demonstration of the work in progress at the Eztena festival. The maximum duration of the parts shall be 20 minutes.

The presentation of the project, any material about it and the trajectory of the artist, collective or company must be sent to by 15 May. The selected projects will be announced on 20 May.

The six pieces selected by call will be able to make a short stay at the Lekuona Factory of Errenteria/Orereta during the festival, in addition to a grant, and the work done can be shown in the Niessen auditorium. In the process, the objective will be to establish a dialogue with the public, guided by members of Ezena, that will help the authors in the creation of the piece.

Complete databases:

The 14th edition of Eztena Jaialdi will be held from 5 to 12 June, as usual, Picar! Organized by the Mikelazulo cultural associations, in collaboration with the City Hall of Errenteria. The full programme will soon be announced.