Landaola calls for a creativity competition to foster mutual knowledge among rural women in Gipuzkoa
  • The rural development associations of Gipuzkoa, including Urkome, which make up the Landaola Federation, have launched the Landa Emakumeak Gara project, within which they have organised the creativity competition. The theme of the competition is rural women and coexistence, and participants will be eligible for prizes of up to 600 euros each.
Uztarria Maialen Etxaniz 2021eko irailaren 10

The Federation of Rural Development Associations of Gipuzkoa, Landaola, has launched the Landa Emakumeak Gara project, which aims to promote knowledge and interconnection among rural women in Gipuzkoa. Within Landaola is, among others, Urkome, the Rural Development Association of Urola Kosta.

The Landa Emakumeak gara initiative aims to "break with the few meeting spaces that exist in the rural world and with the tendencies towards loneliness that this may entail", and as a first activity a creativity competition has been organized between September and October.

The subject of the creation contest shall be as follows: Rural women and coexistence. Through the competition and this specific theme, women are encouraged to reflect: "We want to encourage the different women of Gipuzkoa to reflect on the rural world, the women of the area and the coexistence".

Characteristics of the competition

Women who are encouraged to participate in the competition must present a graphic support (photography, drawing, image, collage...) and a small text of reflection related to this graphic support. According to the organizers, the categories will be distinguished according to age: under 25 years, between 25 and 55 years and over 55 years.

The registration must be made online on the registration page of the Landaola website. It will be gratuita.Entre the participants in the competition, through the jury and the public, the most successful graphic supports and reflections will be selected, and the following prizes will be given:

Jury Awards:

Audience Award:

One night for two people and breakfast in a rural house of Gipuzkoa.

Prize by drawing among voters:

Local product basket.

In addition, a short video will be recorded with the winners and in December the release of this short video and the opening of the exhibition of the graphic media and reflections collected will be organized, all in a one-day event. "The results of the contest phase (the different supports, reflections, ideas or conclusions) will serve to further foster mutual knowledge and interaction among rural women in Gipuzkoa in the following phases of the project", explained the organizers.