The Cultural Branch of Ayala will offer for the first time scholarships and creative stays
  • He has just awarded the scholarship to four multidisciplinary projects that will be exposed to the public in the autumn. They also report that they will organize creative stays in autumn.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko abuztuaren 01

The Cultural Branch of Aiaralde opened in early June the first edition of the call for creativity grants to support various creative projects.

He has awarded a €1,000 scholarship to work this summer on four projects, which have been: Kirrikiri (Maider Ramirez Martín and Oihane Ibarra Salinas), Forever - Can only be tattooed with friends (Maite Aizpurua Olaizola, Intza Alkain Ibarguren and the collective Mejillon Tigre), Silver Spoon or Collectivities Interurban choreography Kagane Estiaga

Assisted creation projects will be presented to the public in the autumn, at an open meeting between creators to be organised in Faktoria or in the Artistic Uptake Cycle being organised for the autumn.