Concentration on the Baricu to denounce the homophobic attack in Sopelana
  • On Friday, 3 June, at 20:30 a.m. in the hall of Sopelana City Hall, a rally will be held to denounce the homophobic attacks and threats suffered by a sopelan. Denied, the group of young girls in Sopelana has called to condemn the offensive.
Ander Zarraga Hiruka .eus 2022ko ekainaren 01
Bilboko Udalaren aurrean egindako salaketa bilkura. (Argazkia: Uriola)

EH Bildu has denounced the facts and members of the Abertzale coalition have announced that last Friday, 27 May, a sopelan suffered insults and homophobic harassment from another neighbour. The citizen who suffered the aggression denounced the crime of hatred, as the Municipal Guard recommended that he do so.

EH Bildu de Sopelana also recalled the message of the institutional declaration adopted at the plenary session on 26 May, when on 17 May it was International Day against LGTBI+phobia and stressed that it is the responsibility of society as a whole to continue to fight discrimination and all forms of violence: "It is the task of all citizens to join efforts to achieve an inclusive and plural society". They also reaffirm themselves in the fight against LGTB+phobia and appeal to the attacked sopelano.