Strike day in the public sector of the continental Basque Country
  • 500 people meet at the demonstration in Baiona. It has also been a mobilization to denounce the French Government ' s desire to integrate the logic of the private sector into officials.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko martxoaren 20a
Baionako manifestazioa, martxoaren 19koa. Argazkia: Sud Ouest

The trade unions had already convened a demonstration in Baiona and about 500 people had met the Labour Exchange. Although the day of the strike does not have much continuity to make the claim for wage increases heard, the organization has focused on the sum of all unions. In fact, the interunion called it: the unions CFDT, CGT, FO CFE-CGC, FA, FO, FSU, Solidaires and Unsa, also LAB for the Northern Basque Country. In general, mobilization has been mostly felt in education.

Since Bayona's protest, officials lament "the need to do more and more under the usual conditions." In view of the context of inflation, they wanted to clarify that the issue of wage increases is urgent in the final conciliation. In addition, the French Government announced on 18 February further cuts, which will reduce EUR 10 billion in the state budget planned for 2024. The Collective Part of our Public Service estimates that this will put an end to 20,000 posts.

Public sector reform on the road

The French Government plans to present the public sector reform in the second half of 2024. The management concerned trade unions with the risk of incorporating the private enterprise model into the public service. Among other things, Minister of Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini, referred to the negotiations that would take place every year to take into account the "merit" and "strength" of each official. Trade unions are opposed to this salary proposal on merit. We must be aware that they already have a significant part of the premium wage which is not taken into account in the retrospective calculations. There will be repeated mobilizations against this wage individualisation, both from the street and from the negotiating table, despite having advanced the drafting of the reform.