The Basque Government and the parties that support it have always breathed with the benefits of Osakidetza and set it as an example to the rest of the world. But as in the rest of the Spanish state, Osakidetza has become the protagonist of the cutbacks, and that is what this damn pandemic that we are still suffering shows us. All trade unions represented in the public health sector of the CAV (Satse, ELA, LAB, SME, CCOO, UGT and ESK) have been mobilised together to denounce the "policy of cuts by the Basque Government". In his view, "there has been a progressive and worrying weakening of public health".
It is shameful that you have to accept it, but throughout the pandemic it has been shown that the Osakidetza team is physically and psychologically exhausted, because it has killed a professional and infected more than 2,000 for lack of protection measures. It is shameful to note that Osakidetza's internal contagion has been so large, as its workers account for 18% of all cases in the CAV.
The lack of protection, precarious jobs, high temporality, the abusive and fraudulent use of hiring, where 40% of the Osakidetza workforce is temporary… are examples of the policies of cutting that the government maintains.
This serious situation that has been denounced by all the trade unions, and in the forthcoming elections, Lakua should also acknowledge that it has made these cuts. Only in this way will it be able to channel economic items similar to the European average and ensure quality health. To do this, among other things, it is important to have a sufficient, stable and paid team with dignity, avoiding precariousness and temporality.