Recommendation of the Catholic Church to husbands: Do you want sex? First take the children to the park so the mother can rest
  • The Spanish Episcopal Conference has presented the work "Together in Camino + Q2", a "formative trajectory and support for the bride and groom". It is a two-year preparation course for marriage. It deals with aspects such as the sexual difference between men and women, the exclusive tenderness between boyfriends or masturbation.  
Z. Oleaga @zoleaga1 2020ko urtarrilaren 10
Mario Iceta Bilboko Gotzainak aurkeztu du ikastaroa. Argazkia: EFE.

The course was presented by the Bishop of Bilbao, Mario Iceta, of Gernika. He is also chairman of the Subcommission for the Defence of the Family and Life. Today, brides must take a 20-hour course before marrying through the Catholic Church. The bishops have proposed a two-year course for which there is no evidence. Iceta said that although the course is not mandatory, not doing so would be "a nonsense." "Marriage preparation cannot be summed up in 20 hours. Does a seven-year-old seminary need to be a priest and to be a woman, husband, mother and father, 20 hours? She dedicates many years to vocational training, but there is hardly any time to prepare brides and marriage."

Iceta explained that the objective of this course is to deal with the conjugal defeat suffered by the country. According to him, 40% of couples break at five years of marriage and 60% at 15 years of age: That's what we want to avoid.

Hugs between friends, “sincere but brief”

The course material is divided into twelve themes: "The Beginning of a Road," "Created Men and Women," "Loyalty," "The Beauty of Sexuality." Several media outlets have published passages of the material.

One of the themes indicates that men have more sexual desire than women and propose ways to manage this difference: "The man, on the days when he wants to have sex, will have to make a greater effort and assume a series of tasks (for example, taking his children to the park in the afternoon or walking for a couple of hours for the woman to nap); the woman will have to get rid of certain workloads and rest: when the time comes, for the two to be prepared for the sexual encounter." This episode has disappeared from the website of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, after being published by the Chain Ser.

The course material highlights the importance of giving priority to each other: "There are many ways and it is important to keep them in mind. For example, if some friends are going to have coffee, the boyfriends will try to sit next to each other. First they will serve each other and then themselves." There must also be differences in hugs: between friends, "sincere but brief, they are not as tender as hugs between boyfriends". "I've chosen you, and you alone. That's why I talk to you, I hug you, I kiss you in a special way. I'll make no one else such an exhibition of love.

The Episcopal Conference says pornography fosters "masturbation and infidelity," among other issues. And warns of the danger of masturbation: "It may happen that someone used to masturbation doesn't know the beauty of sharing sexuality with another person or can't engage with another person," he added.