A woman denounces sexual assault in Erandio
  • A woman has been reported to have been sexually assaulted last Friday in Erandio. Feminist groups in the locality will concentrate today, Monday, at the exit of the metro station to denounce this male assault.
Hiruka .eus 2019ko irailaren 30
Sexu-eraso bat salatzeko manifestazioa, Erandion. artxiboko irudia.

A woman has denounced a sexual assault that occurred last Friday, 27 September, in the Biscayan municipality of Erandio, so the Ertzaintza has opened an investigation about it. At the moment, no arrest has been carried out, as reported by the Department of Security of the Basque Government.

According to police sources, the woman filed the complaint on Friday, after having been sexually assaulted on several occasions. Feminist collectives from Erandio have called for a revulsion to denounce this "violation" in the Vizcaya locality. The appointment began at 19:30 hours, in front of Erandio Metro Station.