An attempt at sexual assault in Bilbao
  • The attempted aggression took place in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday, according to the same source. The woman, for her part, has filed a complaint for sexual assault.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko abuztuaren 19a
Bilboko Konpartsak eraso matxistak gaitzetsi eta autodefentsa feminista aldarrikatuz egindako agerraldia (Argazkia: Bilboko Konpartsak)

The machist aggression occurred a few hours after the launch of the Aste Nagusia in Bilbao. According to the Basque Department of Security, a male tried to sexually attack a woman on the street in which he lived. As reported by the woman, the attempted aggression took place in a garden located in the area of the Deusto Bridge.

After receiving the complaint, the Ertzaintza has opened an investigation and meets the aggressor, who has been arrested.