The Foral Police considers that sexual crimes have multiplied in Navarre by the end of 2020
  • The Foral Police of Navarra, through an investigation, has reported that in Navarra crimes against sexual freedom have increased in the last two months of 2020.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urtarrilaren 14a

A report published by the Foral Police of Navarra concludes that in the last two months of 2020 crimes against sexual freedom have increased in Navarra. Data from November and December 2020 have been collected, and for the rest of the months of that year, and taking as a reference the 2019 data, they conclude that the rise is significant. The report details that the trend since the beginning of the pandemic has declined significantly, mainly due to the limits of mobility and the reduction of night leisure. However, we cannot forget what has been underlined since the entry into force of the confinement by various agents working against male violence and the feminist movement: if the reports of male violence have dropped, it has been because women have found it more difficult to report.

By area, the region of Pamplona/Iruña has been the one with the most male violence recorded, with 89% of the cases. As for the types of crime, seven cases of sexual abuse and two cases of sexual assault have been reported. In the nine cases, the aggressor was a person known to the victim, with a mean age of 31 years and that of the aggressors of 33 years.

Prior to recording this upward trend in sexual offences reported in the report, the Foral Police has indicated that the number of reported sexual assaults has followed a downward path to over 60 per cent. Compared to the same month of the previous year, for example, in July the number of complaints of sexual assault decreased by 61 per cent, which according to the police there have been no mass gatherings such as those of Sanfermin.