Relatives of residences ask the Basque Government for effective action protocols
  • Relatives of Gipuzkoa, Prostégete Bizkaia and Prostégete Araba, the three associations of family members of CAV residences, have drafted the document to the Basque Government. The text reproduces what has long been exposed to the Social Policy Departments of the Foreign Ministers of the countries. They have denounced that in this health emergency public institutions are carrying out demonstrations to cleanse the image of those affected by the fire.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 07a
Bizkaian 2016-2017an egin zen greba luzeko argazkia da, aurrean egoiliarrak eta senideak direla. Argazkia:

He has sent the same complaint and petition to the Basque Government as to the Foreign Ministers, “to see if this changes the behavior of the Administration, both from the Basque Government and from the Social Services regulatory institution, as well as from the Foreign Ministers”.

Eight specific applications have been submitted for residential care for the elderly and dependents, all in dependent centres.

- Emergency test for employees and users.

- Provide all residences with the necessary materials for the protection of staff. "The independent functioning of each residence cannot be allowed."

- Disinfection measures of the facilities.

- Adequately train staff in the monitoring of protocols and immediately activate inspection controls to ensure compliance.

- To increase socio-health care in all centres through the recruitment of doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff.

- The medicalization of headquarters, in order to properly channel transfers and, above all, the confinement of residents and to avoid the lack of the necessary technical attention.

- Facilitate videoconferencing based on the capabilities and possibilities of each user. The acquisition of technical equipment is of no use if it is not subsequently used and its use is not monitored.

- Update of occupational health action protocols and establishment of effective preventive measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to adequately protect workers and users.

They have pointed out that if older people are isolated inside the home, adequate protective equipment is not available and no tests are carried out, there is a risk of infection by workers.

The three associations of relatives of Basque political prisoners have been supported by other associations and trade unions. For the elderly: Network of Pensioners, Pensioners of Álava at Work, Pensioners in Action, Dignity, Association of retirees from the foral and municipal administration of Gipuzkoa. Other associations: Elkartu, Bilgune Feminista, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Askapena, Eginaren Egiten, SOS Racism Araba, Assembly of the Unemployed. Trade unions: LAB, ELA, CCOO, UGT, ESK, Steilas, SATSE and USAE. And neighborhood associations: The seventh Daughter, Judimendi, Erreka Txiki, Betiko Gasteiz, Errota Zaharra, Bost Urki, Gasteiz Txiki, Uribe Nogales, Aranako, Ipar Arriaga, Cincta Uuzune, Kaleartean, Zabalgana Batuz, Hegoalde.

On 3 April, ARGIA spoke with a member of the family association Babes Bizkaia and criticized the Deputy’s silence and the lack of control of the residences of Bizkaia. He also reported the situation of his mother, who lives in a residence in Bilbao, “because they say that the elderly are the most vulnerable and there is no control in the residences”.