Family members call for emergency laws to disappear so prisoners can return home
  • At the invitation of Etxerat, hundreds of relatives of Basque prisoners came to the Plaza de la Convivencia in Bilbao on Sunday. In this new stage they have called for the "definitive" disappearance of the emergency laws and have read the end of the dispersion. The spokesmen have been Olatz Iglesias and Belen Aurrekoetxea.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko apirilaren 24a
Euskal presoen ehunka senide agertu dira Bilboko Bizikidetza plazan. Argazkia: EITB.

In 1987, nearly 500 Basque prisoners left and dispersed in 79 prisons, a long-lasting penalty. "This should never happen," they add. They have also highlighted the work carried out by society for three and a half decades: "Tireless work, political and social commitments, mobilizations, in short, has borne fruit the involvement of society in bringing prisoners to Euskal Herria".

They have left behind the "most extreme suffering" and wanted to remind all relatives, "that they are not with us and that they could no longer visit their imprisoned children". In addition, they send "a strong hug" to the families of the 16 people who have remained in jail.

He has also thanked all the people and entities that have helped to "alleviate the heavy backpack" they have had to bring, bus drivers, Mirentxin voluntary drivers and those who have helped the visits.

They believe that in this new time the laws of exception must "definitely" disappear so that "our family members end their way home, and this will undoubtedly advance in the construction of coexistence in this country".