Relatives will be able to visit healthy residents in Bizkaia residences
  • Family members will be able to visit the resident once a week, they will have to arrange the visit in advance and they will meet in a place where there are no residents.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 27a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco / Argia.

Residents have been in lockdown for six weeks and have not received visits from relatives or relatives. Communication was carried out exclusively via telematic media. The association of family members Babes Bizkaia has been criticizing the management of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia for weeks. They have denounced the problems of access to information and have had the opportunity to communicate with their relatives much less than they wanted.

The Deputy has pointed out that all residents and workers have been chosen to be tested, so it will be easier to avoid contagion. In many residences, all users and workers have been tested.

The option to receive the visits will be for residents who have not been accompanied by people who have tested positive and have been in good health. A weekly visit, preferably the same. The visit should be organized in advance and should be concentrated in a place free of risk of contagion. They shall take protective measures and shall have a transparent methacrylate wall.

There will also be visits for those who have overcome the disease and tested negative in the PCR test. Under the same conditions as others, but these residents will be able to maintain a physical relationship.

Who will not be able to visit the museum?

Those who have been close to those who have tested positive, those who have tested and are waiting for the results and those who have tested positive. There are three exceptions: the dying, when the cognitive situation does not allow other types of communicative relationships, and in very serious psychological and emotional situations.