The European Medicines Agency calls for the Janssen vaccine to be marketed
  • The European Medicines Agency has recommended the granting of a conditional authorisation for the placing on the market of the Janssen vaccine of the company Johnson & Johnson. There are four recommended vaccines in the European Union.
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Janssen vaccine has been approved by the European Medicines Agency and the European Commission (EC). The Medicines Agency has concluded that the data on the vaccine comply with the safety and efficacy requirements. The single-dose Janssen vaccine can be stored and distributed at a temperature of between two and eight degrees, which will have a significant impact on the European Union’s vaccination campaign.

The European Medicines Agency concludes that the vaccine has a 66% efficacy, while the medicine claims to have an 85% efficacy and in the study in South Africa the vaccine has had a 57% efficacy. The firm pledged to deliver 55 million doses of the 200 million doses agreed by the European Union during the second quarter of 2021.

Questions about the AstraZeneca vaccine

In Hego Euskal Herria, the possibility of vaccinating also those over 55 years of age is being studied. Meanwhile, the AstraZeneca vaccine is giving a lot that hablar.En specific, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have temporarily suspended their campaign to vaccinate AstraZeneca until possible connections around "serious cases of thrombosis" are known.

Austria and Italy, for their part, have suspended a vaccine for this vaccine, after two serious cases that could be related to influenza a were detected in Gaza. Several media have reported that the vaccines in this package have been distributed in seventeen countries, including the Spanish and French states.