Banishing temporality in the public sector
  • Four out of ten jobs in the Basque public sector are temporary, especially in education and health. Trade unions are about to start mobilisations to end contractual instability.
Juan Mari Arregi 2021eko urtarrilaren 14a
Osasungintzako langileak dira behin behinekotasuna jasaten ari diren sektore nagusietako bat. Irudian, mobilizazioa Gurutzetako ospitalean (arg.. Gedar)

The unions are about to start with the mobilizations against the high temporality in the public sector of Hego Euskal Herria. This situation is very similar to that experienced throughout the Spanish State. According to official data from the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Service, today in the Spanish state more than two and a half million people (2,598,481) form the group of employees of the public administrations. The ageing of the workforce and the contractual instability of many workers are the problems to be solved.

In Hego Euskal Herria this group employs 155,749 people (117,615 in the CAV and 38,134 in the Foral Community of Navarra). In the CAPV alone – we have no data from Navarre – there are about 50,000 workers who work in the public sector for many years without a fixed employment contract, even if their work is structural. Four out of ten jobs in the Basque public sector are temporary, especially in education and health.

The state, governments and public administrations have no justification for maintaining this policy of temporality when they should be a decent and stable employment model for private companies. There is an urgent need for union, social and political forces to join together to deal with this situation, so that there is a permanent mobilisation in which the rights of workers in this sector are respected. Respecting them is very simple, making temporary jobs stable right now.