Strike in the surveillance sectors for the coming days
  • The ELA trade union has called strikes in the school dining room and school transport for the 23rd and 24th of February in the Basque Country. The majority unions have called strikes on 25 February and 30 March in the residences of Gipuzkoa and on 4 March they have called for a strike in the care sector.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko otsailaren 23a
Argazkia: LAB

ELA has convened two days of strike on 23 and 24 February in canteens and school transport in public, private and concerted CAV centres. The trade union has denounced that, in adopting measures and decisions, the Department of Education has maintained an attitude of imposition and bilaterality, recalling that both families and workers in the educational community, including services, have asked for negotiation.

The workers have assured that they do not have concrete measures and protocols, since the decisions taken for school hours "do not affect the dining or bus schedules, which directly affects the safety and quality of the services and the right to health of workers and users". ELA has asked the Department of Education for a real commitment to these services, as well as negotiated measures and protocols that guarantee the maintenance of health, safety, quality and employment. "We call for a review of the current rules governing canteens and school transport, as well as the application of those rules in the concerted centres and in private centres," he said.

Strike by workers in the residences of Gipuzkoa

The unions LAB, ELA, CCOO and UGT have called strikes on 25 February and 30 March in the residences of Gipuzkoa to reclaim more staff, put an end to precariousness and get the emotional reparation of the trabajadores.Durante these days the Budgets of Gipuzkoa are being debated and the ELA union has indicated that "the Provincial Office continues with the “Along with the reorganization of work by the pandemic, the time that managers can devote to users is even shorter and is not enough to ensure quality care,” he explained. "It is time that the public system of adult nursing homes was free, universal and that it put people in the center and for this it is essential to involve all parts of the sector," he said.

Care and social services

On January 26, the unions LAB, ELA, UGT, ESK and CCOO of the Basque Country followed a new call for strike in the prison surveillance sector. The main mobilizations were carried out in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, where a monitoring system was required "public, dignified, free, of quality, universal and managed directly by the public administrations". The second day of strike will take place on 4 March and it will again denounce that working conditions are the worst and that the services are also the worst, claiming the publicity of the sector.