In an interview with Onda Cero, the Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, said that the next course students over 6 years old should continue using the mask. He has highlighted two of the measures put in place by the Government of Spain in the classrooms. On the one hand, the mask. According to Celaá, the masks have allowed the entire course "to go without tonsillitis or bronchiolitis" and "it has been amazing". On the other hand, natural ventilation has been highlighted. The minister explained that the Government of Spain intends to maintain these measures during the next school year in the Autonomous Community. These and other measures, such as the reduction of the distance between the compulsory tables from 1.5 to 1.2 meters, have allowed the presence and thus "all centers have been open, except four or five".
Celaá explained that the plan of measures that the Spanish Government has set up in schools "is an example to Europe and the world, based on discipline with health measures". In September, and thanks to the speed of vaccination, he declared that the overall situation is going to be better and, therefore, the measures will also have to be adapted, but "the mask is not what I would take away, the 6-year-olds have felt heroes with a mask, concerned about the fight against the pandemic and for the work to support health and the country. It was a wonderful day," stressed the President of the Generalitat in office.
Celaá has assured that she is working to vaccinate students between the ages of 12 and 16 in September.