Six people promoting the boycott at the NYX hotel in Bilbao with Israeli capital
  • The activity took place on Saturday in the centre of Bilbao. The banner read: Bilbao with Palestine. Anti-Zionist city. Boycott of Israel. At the entrance of the hotel dozens of people have called to boycott Israel and Palestine.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko maiatzaren 13a

The Nakba or "Disaster Day" will be commemorated in Palestine on 15 May, and mobilisations will be strengthened. In 1948, the newly founded State of Israel in Palestine, Zionism expelled 700,000 Palestinians from their lands forever. Israel would have expelled another 300,000 Palestinians from their places of residence in the 1967 war, of which 145,000 were charged in the 1948 war. They would never have the right to return to their peoples – Nakba 1948: will history be repeated in Gaza? Xabier Letona wrote an interesting article in ARGIA in January.

Several people denounced last Saturday in Bilbao "Ante una nueva Nakba" and reaffirmed the call for solidarity and Israel to boycott. They also demanded that the surrounding political, institutional and academic institutions "establish relationships with the Zionist regime". The City Council of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the Basque Government and the company CAF with trade agreements with Israel were identified in hundreds of leaflets distributed throughout the area.

Six people went to the NYX hotel and colored the area in green and blue. They launched the banner, with SOS Rafah very clear, and at the hotel's door dozens of people supported them. She went to Ertzaintza and identified several entrepreneurs.

Hotel NYX owned by an Israeli chain

The NYX hotel opened five years ago in Arenal bilbaíno. During the inauguration several mobilizations were made, as can be seen in the newspaper library of ARGIA.

On the one hand, they denounced the tourist and gentrification of the city, and on the other the complicity of the institutions with Israel: “No matter what (hotel) they belong to a racist state based on the genocide of the Palestinian people. It does not matter whether it is from an apartheid State that permanently violates human rights and repeatedly breaks international law. If your model, your business, goes well, you have no problem helping you in the laundering of the Zionist State of Isrele. It’s no accident that companies like NYX Hotels or Airbnb that are driving us out of our neighborhoods are the same as the Palestinians take out of their lands.”