Six arrested in sexual exploitation operation
  • Seventeen others have been arrested by police in Cantabria. She accuses them of forming a network for the sexual exploitation of women. Police have closed a prostitution shop in Trapagaran, Bizkaia.
Berria egunkaria @berria 2018ko uztailaren 20a
Espainiako Poliziak, iaz, Bilbon, sexu esplotazioaren kontra egin zuen operazioko irudi bat.

During the operation, three South American women have been rescued. They had been forced to prostitute themselves until they had paid their debt to the network, and the exploiters were depriving them of all the income they received. In some cases, they had to pay an amount of about 6,000 euros. In addition, they had to pay 55 euros per day for a place to live and light. They were forced to work days of up to twelve hours, which could be extended even further if a client so requested.

Police say the criminals were cheating on South American women. In particular, victims were sought in Venezuela, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic. To reach them, they used intermediaries and turned to women in difficult economic and family situations.

The police have closed two places for prostitution. One in Trapagaran, the other in Barcena de Cicero (Cantabria, Spain).

The police report that the operation is still open because they are looking for women who are no longer in the premises but who have been victims.

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