Six for Kursaal Izar
  • Who does not remember that day (e.g.) when Euskal Herria proclaimed himself to be an emotional superpower?Far from all propaganda, Izaro denounces the people of the emotional illiterates and, to face it, puts life in the center. Culture and education as fundamental pillars. And to underline, the important thing is not culture, but life.
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2020ko urriaren 30
Argazkia: Iratxe Etxeandia

The tickets have been returned to the fans three times and finally, in one way or another, Izaro has offered six performances in the Kursaal. Six. As if it were not enough, in the large room that is semi-idesiert.

I admit he took me since I had fired Paradise, but I never saw him directly. And what a piece of concert! I could imagine it, but it was a more beautiful piece. Having a very long songwriting, you can choose the most beautiful songs from start to finish. With the risk of some too long moments, Izaro and his band have offered a concert of one and a half hours duration.

It's one of those bands that you can only see -- though, forgive me, that moment when you were left alone was the worst of the concert. In the lower Julen Barandiaran and the David Gorospe battery, something more than a winch is the rhythmic section of the Burun Danga and Buffalo equipment (among others). Nothing else.

What about Iker Lauroba's guitars? Basque teenagers will enjoy the sheet music book they play, instead of learning songs from groups like oasis, with compositions full of harmony and elegance.

Finally, the pianos of Garazi Esnaola. And guitars, percussions and voices. There it is, without words. What a passion, what a gift. We will launch a fundraiser to finance any future projects.

Photo: Iratxe Etxeandia

Izaro has gathered on the one hand and on the other hand that his language is the treatment, which is the universe of his lemons. Vendetta, Glaukoma or Modus Operandi are some of the names you will never receive. But many more people have heard of Basque in Izaro’s mouth than in the _________ group. With the group you want to fill the gap.

Of course, there will be few naive proposals than the universe of lemons. It can be deep, but at first glance it reminds more of the castle of sugar clouds. But who sets the limits of the use of the card? If the aesthetics of sweetness allow us to talk about death, care, strength, disease?

And most importantly, who it is. Every dance, gesture and joke seen in Kursaal did not depend on the “spectacle”. Honesty in personality is the first step to require an artist, along with so many forms of plastic.

With the last song, he's put all his collaborators to dance a fun dance. Someone might feel embarrassed. But shame is never right. And we all want to dance. Through the streets of Gros we have seen more than one who jumped the curfew and sang: “All life, all life, all life.”

Photos of Iratxe Etxeandia: