A Tubacex worker is sentenced to six months in prison
  • It is clear from the trial that he did not commit attacks on the authority, but is sentenced to six months ' imprisonment and an economic fine charged with resistance in detention. You will not need to be in prison.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 04a
Langilearen atxiloketaren irudia. Argazkia:

On June 15, a Tubacex worker is tried in Vitoria for the incidents that occurred on February 23, 2021 at the Llodio factory. He faces a 21-month criminal petition and is eventually sentenced to six months in jail on charges of “resistance”.

He will not have to enter prison because he does not reach the minimum necessary to do so, but he will have to pay three Ertzainas a compensation of 536 euros, because in the detention “they suffered pain in their fingers and knee”, as Ayala received. The judge has accepted the statements of the Ertzainas, although the contradictions are evident: two Ertzaines said that one object was arrested for throwing the bus from the direction and for not identifying it, and the other said it was for attacking an ertzain.

The worker indicates that he threw an empty tobacco package into the bus and denied an ertzaina to attack and collect the identification order. So he resisted because he didn't understand why the Ertzaines came next to him and hurt him. As a result of the arrest he suffers an injury to the right arm that prevents him from lifting weights.

The striker will appeal the sentence. There are still five people waiting for trial: Two Tubacex workers and three young people from the region.