The Soraluze Living Forests Association has acquired six hectares of land for recovery
  • Baso Biziak de Soraluze has acquired the first plot of land. It is a question of creating an area that will shelter the forest and all the inhabitants of the area. The partnership has just reached one year, surpassing the barrier of the hundred partners.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko azaroaren 24a
Argazkia: Soraluzeko Baso Biziak

In November 2020, five naturalists from Soraluze created the Baso Biziak association. Its objective is to protect indigenous forests against the growing tendency to plant exotic species. This year contacts have been established with the owners of the environment and agreements have been reached on the reforestation of land. However, one of the objectives of the association has been the acquisition of land for all citizens in the future.

The partnership has grown in one year and has already overcome the barrier of the hundred partners. Throughout the year various activities, plantations, works on forest recovery, collaboration with the school of Soraluze have been organized... Last week the partnership held its first open assembly with partners and partners to discuss its functioning, objectives and organisation for next year.

The association has announced that they have just fulfilled "what was a dream." The association has acquired a six-hectare plot in order to replenish the native forest in the Sagar River Valley. In this sense, they have pointed out that more can be done than protest against the deteriorated natural environment. The terrain will be a space to protect for future generations.