Six Day War: sword in one hand, lie in the other
  • War and lies coincide and it is very difficult to know who is in a war if journalists or other sources are not involved. Israel has historically demonstrated its ability to send strength and lie to dance the sword. Now that Gaza is bombing, between lie and truth there are attacks on hospitals.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko azaroaren 17a

There are many examples, but two are the most notable: on 17 October the al-Ahli hospital suffered several hundred deaths and Israel accused the Palestinians of the attack; Israel has argued that Hamas is under the Xhifa hospital. Believing the Jewish army, therefore, as it is not clear where the truth is, whoever wants has excuses to ignore.

The use of lying at the beginning of the Six-Day War in 1966 once again opened doubt in the world. According to historian Josep Fontana in his book For the sake of empire, the tension between Israel and the surrounding Arab states was constant since two decades before the Jewish statue was created. Egypt and Syria were at hand to defend themselves or to attack Israel, and Palestinian guerrillas were often coming from Jordan to attack Israel.

Israel responded strongly to Jordan and its people Jamu attacked with 400 soldiers and exploded, among others, 125 houses. The UN condemns the attack. At the time, when they began to attack, so was Gamal Abdel Nasser's army in Egypt and Israel, and in the end Israel was the first, after many discussions among them. Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol was retracted from the aggression, although he knew they would win, the Arabs would remain there: “Then will we always have to live in the hand with the sword?”

The Israeli military wanted to exercise its supremacy and Levi Eshkola gave in to them: He was also Minister of Defence and ceased to serve and appointed Moshe Dayan and Menachem Begin ministers. The Jewish army had the free way.

On 5 June 1967, without proclaiming war, 183 Israeli Army aircraft went to the Mediterranean and accidentally attacked Egypt by the west. They faced nine aircraft bases and in one day destroyed almost the entire Egyptian air navy, without giving time to take off the aircraft.

At the same time, the UN told him that Egypt was attacking Israel. In addition, they began the attack by the army on the defensive line built by Egypt in the Sinai desert and for three days they reached the Suez Canal. And that same day, Israel invaded Jordan, destroyed its air force and occupied the lands of the west of the River Jerusalem and Jordan.

The shock in Egypt was so great that Nasser quickly resigned. Again, Israel clearly demonstrated its ability to reconcile strength and lie. Information has to do with truth and lies, but also with the usual practice of actors. In this sense, every citizen can think of where the credibility of the army remains, showing the audacity and impunity of killing in just over 11,000 people, almost half children.