Six indigenous leaders are killed and ten kidnapped in Nicaragua
  • The Mayagna Sauni As community in northern Nicaragua denounced at the end of January the murder of six indigenous leaders and the kidnapping of ten. The rest of the community has been forced to leave the site after the assailants, more than 80 armed people, the community has explained, burned several cabins, according to Democracy Now.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko otsailaren 04a
Mayagna Sauni As komunitatea.

The indigenous people have linked the cause of the attack on the property of the indigenous lands, which by law belong to the indigenous community, but which are in conflict with the community I did not inquire gena.Estos last want to appropriate these lands for livestock and the felling of trees.

However, the indigenous people have assured that this attack is not new. Mayagne says he has been suffering this kind of massacre since 2014