The Irabia – Izaga (Pamplona) and Miravalles-El Redín (Zizur Mayor) centres of Opus Dei have so far received public funding through the concert, although the agreement signed with the Government of Navarra is not complied with and segregation is maintained. In 2018, for example, they received €11.5 million from public funds. From next September they will become joint centres. This has been demonstrated by the management bodies of the centres on Wednesday, after a long process of reflection.
The amendment is motivated by the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra of 3 November, in which, if the segregation is not completed, both schools will not be able to receive public money from the 2025-26 academic year. Therefore, they point out that it has been a decision taken to maintain this concert, “a decision that the law obliges”. They confirm that they will continue to maintain relations with the ultra-tropical association Opus Dei.
Irabia Izaga will create mixed classrooms at all levels, from Early Childhood Education to High School Second, while Miravilles-El Redín will continue to create “progressively” mixed classrooms in Primary Education.
Differentiated education
Both centers have maintained a long trajectory of segregation. Since 1965 they have already distributed students: The boys study in the buildings of Irabia and El Redín, in the Chantrea, and the girls in Miravalles and Izaga, seven kilometers from Txantrea. Between the two schools there are about 4,000 students. Miravalles-El Redín 2.395 and Irabia -Izaga 1,900.