Sébastien Lifshitz will receive the honorific award Zinegoak 2021
  • The French director will receive the honorary award of the 18th edition of the Zinegoak festival in Bilbao on 28 February.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko otsailaren 04a
Argazkia: Zinegoak

The Gaylesbitrans International Film and Performing Arts Festival in Bilbao, Zinegoak, will deliver the Honor Award to Sébastien Lifshitz. In addition to collecting the prize, he will present his latest work entitled “Petite Fille” in the Azkuna ZENTROA auditorium at 12:00 noon. In addition, the festival will offer a retrospective of the works of the director, who has been assisted by EiTB.

For Pau Gillen, director of Zinegoak, “addresses the fundamental issues of human essence from LGTBI+ realities.” Lifshitza has presented along his career works that address sexual, identity and gender diversity, and the festival has highlighted the director's social and emotional commitment. The director has participated in previous editions of the Festival and received several awards, the Lesbianism and Gender Award in 2014 with ‘Bambi’ and the Best Film Award with ‘Wild side’.