They ask the Portugalete City Hall to take over the repairs of Gaztetxe Sastraka
  • “Now the ball is in your court,” they have pointed out to the municipal government to repair the roof of the gaztetxe affected by the fire. The members of the Gaztetxe have carried out the works of provisional coverage, "before the forbearance of the municipal government and the owners".
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 25
Portugaleteko elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: Sastraka Gaztetxea

This Thursday they concentrated in front of the Portugalete City Hall to require the municipality to take over the repair of the roof of the gaztetxe Sastraka. “Now the ball is on your roof,” they claimed in the mobilization, they have thrown balls and left pieces of wood burned at the door of the building.

Ball shot. Photo: Scrubland

Young people have asked the municipal government to create a dialogue table “to seek a way out”. In addition, they consider that the City Hall “should oblige the owners of the building to comply with the pending work”, that is, “assume the processing of the work and pass the bill to the owners”.

Calcined woods at the City Hall door. Photo: Scrubland

According to the young people, the City Council should impose on the owners "the fines that are necessary" and assume the works that are carried out. However, this last option would mean delaying the repair works “pending a work that will not be performed”.

In fact, at the time of the Sastraka fire, the owner and the municipal government did not take over the interim repairs. Therefore, the members of the gaztetxe had to put on their own the roof of the affected roof, after taking all the necessary security measures and defining a construction plan. As a result, they have explained that what could happen with the historic building is in the hands of the municipal government from now on.

Cover repair. Photo Sastraka