ENEEK-Ekolurra has ratified its main objective on organic farming day and recalled the challenge by 2030 to realise 25% of agricultural land in organic production, as set out in the EU Green Pact. Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa are far from this figure, as 6% of the land is certified in organic.
The Network's search engine has been launched with the aim of giving new impetus to agriculture and organic food. Ekolurra President Judit García stressed the importance of “strengthening and making more visible the most dignified forms of marketing” for producers and “facilitating” the use of these marketing methods for consumers. From now on, citizens will be able to use the Sarean tool to find their nearest ecological point of sale.
On the map you can see 269 places, in Álava 43, in Bizkaia 70 and in Gipuzkoa 156, and it has been ensured that there will be more. Producers will update the search engine “permanently” in order to provide consumers with as much information as possible. Ekolurra explained that there is a wide variety of supply in organic products, and that the points of sale are also very varied, such as fairs, shops, baskets distribution and farmhouses.
On 23 September, Ekolurra underlined that green labels on the market can lead to confusion when buying and clarified to consumers that organic foods are “those identified with the euro-leaf”. In order to locate its inhabitants, it can be accessed through the website www.ekolurra.eus, in the search engine of the Network.