Launch #3000Twitz campaign to make Euskera visible on the net
  • The Basque gaming community, along with Game Erauntsia Elkartea, have launched a campaign to make Basque and Basque creators visible on the Twitch platform. We've talked to the project promoters. Published by Iruñe Astiz Larunbe @arkkuso, Garikoitz Larrañaga Azkue @Gari_infernu and Ainhoa Azkue Ibarguren @nebunebukai.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko azaroaren 23a
Egitasmoaren sustatzaileak: Ainhoa Azkue Ibarguren @nebunebukai, Garikoitz Larrañaga Azkue @Gari_infernu eta Iruñe Astiz Larunbe @arkkuso. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia.

The Basque gaming community along with Game Erauntsia Elkartea have launched the #3000Twitz campaign with three main objectives: To turn the Basque language into an official language in Twich, to make the Basque creators of the Internet visible and to make it possible to live in Basque in the digital environment.

The name of the campaign is related to Twich’s request to add Basque as an official language. In fact, they managed to turn Catalan into an official language with almost 3,000 votes. In this way, the aim of the campaign is to obtain 3,000 votes in favour in the Upper House.

Between 28 November and 4 December several live performances will be offered in the Basque Country Irratia and These will be game games, guitar performances, radio shows, humor, talks and role-playing games. In addition to the streamer of the Basque gaming community, different social and cultural actors will add their contents, including the collective Sutan Bang, the local television Kanaldude de la Baja Navarra and Naiz Irratia.

Youtuber Arkkuso and Aiora Probatxoa and streamer Nebukai will celebrate Euskera Day on 3 December with an interview session with the protagonists. Interview with Kai Nakai, Dylan Inglish, Aitziber Garmendia and Odei Jainaga. In addition, the initiative will be assisted by other creators of society.

The campaign will end on 5 December with a 24-hour marathon. Among other things, the Game Erauntsia Association will offer live the final of the Rocket League game tournament disputed in Getxo.

Naiz Irratia is the official sponsor of the event and joins the Second Cafes video radio campaign. To disseminate the information, the Twitter account @3000Twitz will be used and tutorials will be offered to boost creation in Euskera on the channel created especially on YouTube.

About the Twitch platform

Twitch is a platform created in 2011 for live webcasts. It specialises in video games and has a daily audience of over 1.5 million viewers. Currently, 34 languages can be selected on Twitter when issuing the issue, but the Basque country is not on the list. Turning Basque into an official language would mean filtering the contents of Basque creators.