Thirty days after Red
Sare Herritarra @sare_herritarra 2024ko otsailaren 14a

Sare's participation in the demonstration held on 13 January in Bilbao showed that it was not just one of the events that took place in January for years.

Once again, the desire of Basque society to put an end to the consequences of a confrontation which has caused pain and suffering for decades and which is intended to be left behind once and for all, without forgetting what has happened, but closing the door to hatred and revenge.

More than 70,000 people of different ideologies continue to demand on the streets – even after the end of the policy of remoteness – the opening of new stages and, above all, the need to end the legal and penitentiary exceptions that apply to Basque prisoners.

Even for those sectors that try to perpetuate a confrontation so far removed from the demands of Basque society was yet another demonstration. The following day, virtual harassment began against those who wanted to join this peaceful and democratic claim. The media lynching against actress Itziar Ituño, similar to the one who started with Porrotx, is a red line to be denounced by any democrat.

It is not easy to understand how one can disqualify, both from anonymity and through different opinion platforms, to have and express one's own opinion.

They want to make it a crime to defend the rights of prisoners. It is the attitude of those who do not want to advance in coexistence and their objective is that confrontation stop forever in our lives.

In recent days a new attempt has been added to this, since it is not the first time that Sare's work for human rights has been criminalised. In the National Court, following the logic of punishment, they want to consider defending the rights of prisoners as a crime. It is the attitude of those who do not want to advance in coexistence, and its objective is to definitively stop the confrontation in our lives, entering a spiral that would involve increasing repression and increasingly scarce rights, to establish the “law and order” and eliminate freedoms. The right-wing speech you are imposing on political management is as artificial as it is worrying and reactionary.

Sare's commitment will continue to be to close the doors to confrontation and suffering and to open coexistence and real peace, and it will remain the basis of our work to obstruct any violation of rights, both of the Basque prisoners and of the victims of violence, to which we owe respect, protection and reparation. It is the only way to build the model of coexistence desired by a large sector of Basque society.

On June 14 Sare turns 10. We'd like our lives to be shorter, but we still have a way to go, and the failure to have more birthdays will depend on the time it takes to achieve our goals.

The keys to the solution have been a good tool that has helped us to advance the campaign since 21 October. This document is supported by the Basque political and trade union majority and has been joined by thousands of people. It is a document that sets out the fundamental foundations of our work.

We want and need to continue working on this path to awaken the engine of society and activate keys that open the doors to the future that we as a society want, leaving behind long years of confrontation.

Our society must take the keys to the solution through political and judicial institutions.

We are not asking for impunity, but for access to all the forms that the legislation itself envisages to comply with the sanctions, for deepening into a new and fairer prison model, more humanized and fairer, recognizing the rights of Basque prisoners, and of all the people who have suffered in this country, with full respect for their pain.

We will talk about everything said in our IX. In the assembly, on 9 March, the road map for 2024 will be designed among all.

We are convinced that this objective involves us as citizens, because the defence of human rights is a shared need, of all, that will make us more sensitive to our rights as people.

Network members: Joseba Azkarraga, Bego Atxa, Mikel Globñano, Eñaut Landa, Jon Marauri, Iñaki Bidaurre, Nahikari Iturbe