Sare opens a new phase in which he asks all Basque prisoners to "go home"
  • Sare has announced that in the march of August 3 in Vitoria-Gasteiz will begin "a new stage" with the aim of improving the quality of life. The platform will call for the repatriation of all Basque prisoners and prisoners, and will focus on the progression of the ranks of the incarcerated, after abandoning the policy of alienation. On October 7, 8 and 9, the march "Ibilian-Ibilian, back home" has been organized throughout Álava.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 04a
Sarek abuztuaren 3an Gasteizen egindako manifestazioa. Argazkia: Sare

In a demonstration in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Sare citizen network has secured that the next step has been taken to put an end to the penitentiary policy of the exception of Basque prisoners. “We have left behind the prisons that were further away. Now, we have to start a new phase, keep on walking to continue making the way: the way for all Basque prisoners to come home.”

There are no longer Basque prisoners in prisons under Madrid. SARE stressed that, after leaving this policy of remoteness behind, the time has come to follow another path. In the coming months, "the stage of the way home for Basque prisoners and exiles" will be addressed, according to EiTB. The roadmap will be marked by two demands: on the one hand, the repatriation of all Basque prisoners and, on the other, the progression of the ranks of those imprisoned.

Only 33% of Basque prisoners are in a prison in Euskal Herria, and Sare will demand, as "legally" they are entitled to, that they serve their sentence at home. They will also focus on Basque prisoners who are seriously ill. In fact, many of them “have no chance of healing and only let them return home when they are about to die.” As reported by the Naiz media, there are 19 seriously ill Basque prisoners. SARE will request that they be released “immediately” from prison.

On the other hand, Sare has asked that, in accordance with the "ordinary legislation" that applies to prisoners, Basque prisoners should be given access to leave and parole. As denounced by the Etxerat Association in July, those who continue to serve their sentences are treated “exceptionally”: in the past year, the prosecution has appealed for third-degree proposals or exit permits for 21 prisoners; the Treatment Commission has denied nine inmates' redress and leave; and despite the fact that the files of two prisoners are in progress, the courts have not responded to them. In addition, 60 Basque prisoners have served three quarters of the sentence, and more than 50 people have not been deprived of their sentences in France.

Three nights and days march in October

Under the motto “Ibilian-Ibilian, etxerako bidean”, Sare has organized a march that will run through Álava on 7, 8 and 9 October. During the day and night, the journey will be non-stop, and all citizens have been invited to participate in it.