Amurrio City Hall gives green light to the Ekiola Photovoltaic Park to be built in Saratxo
  • The Amurrio City Council has approved the Special Plan that will guide the construction of the Ekiola Photovoltaic Park. Work will begin in January in the Saratxo area. The production plant will have an area of 15,000 square meters and 2,300 plates will be installed on it.
Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2023ko abenduaren 22a
Arabako Foru Aldundiak, Energiaren Euskal Erakundeak eta Mondragon Taldeak sustatu dute ekimena. /

The November City Hall Plenary gave the green light to the Ekiola Photovoltaic Park. The Provincial Council of Álava, led by the Basque Energy Agency and the Mondragon Group, presented in April 2022 the project to develop a solar plate installation in the region. After analysing several proposals, the possibility of building the facility in the Saratxo area was put on the table in December 2022.

No arguments were made against the proposal, as explained by the City of Amurrio. It received favourable reports from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, the Road Service of the Provincial Council, the Department of Agriculture and the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

2,300 solar panels

With the signing by Mayor Txerra Molinuevo of the final approval of the Special Plan, construction of the photovoltaic plant will begin early 2024. The solar panels will be installed at the end of Aldaiturriaga Street on the Saratxo curves.

The total area of the installation shall be 15,000 square metres. The idea is to install 2,300 solar panels of 1MW of power.

Ekiola S. Support the installation. Coop. the company rents the plot for thirty years. The Vocento group has increased its initial investment by EUR 1.8 million and will finance 40% from European Next Generation funds. "This initiative is expected to contribute to the promotion of renewable energy in Amurrio in line with the environment and sustainable development," explains Molinuevo.