Sara's Writers' Congress will be held from Friday to Monday
  • Tomorrow the 38th edition of Sara starts with a novelty: the first two days have been organized for children and young people. Sunday will be the main day and Monday will be the professional day. The festival will pay tribute to the association ANAI Artea, which works in the diffusion of art.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 07a
Sarako 38. Idazleen Biltzarrean izango dira 130 egile, 19 argitaletxe eta 21 elkarte. / Argazkia: Euskal Kultur Erakundea.

This year’s Sara Writers’ Congress comes with news. On 8 and 9 October, the Ikusi Mikusi Fair will be held, the first Basque literature fair dedicated exclusively to children and youth. Friday will be for schools and Saturday for families. From 10:00 to 19:00, tents will be opened at different points of Sara, where children will be able to "dive into the world of writing and creation".

Children and young people from all over the Basque Country will be able to enjoy shows, meetings, animation workshops, writers' conferences, etc. To sign up for the workshops and see the full program, the Ikusi Mikusi website has been opened. According to the organizers, the medical part will be compulsory.

130 authors and nineteen publishers

On the other hand, on October 10 the fair will open its doors to all audiences, from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. 130 authors, nineteen publishers and 21 associations will participate in the Sara Congress, which has a broad programme. In addition, they have anticipated that this time there will be more music.

Another novelty is that instead of honoring a writer, the half-century trajectory of the Anai Artea association is praised. The association was established in 1969 by, among others, Pierre Larzabal and Telesforo Monzón to help Basque refugees. Since then, he has always worked to make known the conflict in Euskal Herria and to work for the resolution.

The last day, October 11, is aimed at professionals. The program will discuss the theme "wives and Basque literature in Basque", in allusion to Patxi López. From 9:00 a.m. onwards, you will be able to enjoy lectures, round tables, lectures and artistic and literary performances guided by their creators. Here you can download the full program.