Sara's Writers' Congress is limited to a day
  • With health and safety measures, this Sunday, September 6, the 37th edition of Congress is held, in a single day by the state of health. According to the organizers, between 10:00 and 18:00 hours, a total of 96 editorial, writers and musicians tables will be offered. The revenue shall be for two euros.
Erran .eus @erran_eus 2020ko irailaren 02a

As in most cases, the program is completed with several presentations. Among others, Euskaltzaindia and several publishers will present their works and have a talk about Wikipedia in Euskera. The Congress awards are given every two years, rewarding a writer or creator and in this edition will be honoured to Marie-Jose Basurko and Koldo Ameztoi.

In addition, musical lectures will be made in the youth literature section with the company Kiribil at 11:00, 15:00 and 16:00, and you will also see the painting and drawing exhibition of Arantxa Leizagoien. The works of Axuri'arte and other craftsmen will be exposed and sold in the plaza. There will also be food and drink.


  • 10:00 hours: Presentation of the latest album by Andere Xuriak from BBAX Bide Behi.
  • 10:20 hours: Conference on Wikipedia in Basque.
  • 10:40 hours: Presentations of Euskaltzaindia publications: Adrien Gatxitegi: From Cultivation to Better Life; The Narrative Work of Eñaut Etxamendi (1964-2011): Critical Approach; Texts and Instructions of the Renaissance to Enlightenment, 17th and 18th centuries and Emile Larre (1926-2015) as testimony, singing and writing.
  • 11:30 hours: The nouvelle politique linguistique au Pays Basque y L’essor du vote nationaliste basque.
  • 12:00 Congress Awards Ceremony.
  • 14:00 hours: Presentation of the book Guide Saint Sebastien, geiie urbaine.
  • 14:15 hours: Presentation of the book L'Ombre des Immortelles.
  • 14:30 hours: Presentation of the book Apitxi mon Héros, du front aux frontons.
  • 15:00 hours: Presentation of the book Un Zeste d'Orange et d'Espoir.
  • 15:20 hours: Maddi Ane Txoperena presents in Iribarren the book Ene enjoying the everyday life of Iribarren.
  • 15:40 hours: Presentation of book 22H sur 24.
  • 16:00 hours: Presentation of the books Maule Lextarre, Baiona and Donibane Garazi.
  • 16:40 hours: Presentation of the book Bertsolaritza Feminismotik (Bir)pentsatu.
  • 17:00 hours: Presentation of the book Mort d'un Homme.
  • 17:30 hours: Presentation of the book Izena eta Izanena by Joseba Aurkenerena.