Feminist, leftist and independentist women appear in support of Sara Majarenas and Izar
  • The hearing was held by 25 women in the park of Egia in the Guipuzkoan capital, this Monday. They have also called for participation in the demonstration to be held next Sunday in Bilbao to call for a new model of justice.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2019ko irailaren 03a
Sara Majarenas eta alabaren aldeko elkarretaratze jendetsua, otsailean, alaba hiltzen saiatu zen gizona aske gelditu ostean. (Argazkia: Irati Salsamendi)

The trial against Izar and Sara Majarenas will begin in Valencia on 10 September. On Monday, in the park of Egia, a collective of feminist, independentist and leftist women has denounced that in this case “women’s freedom and rights will be back in the hands of Spanish justice”, emphasizing that this is a justice that has “repeatedly violated” their rights.

Among others, they have recalled that the Generalitat Valenciana removed Izar's custody for 24 days in Majarenas prison after the child suffered his father's attack. In addition, they recalled that, despite the plight of the child, Majarenas was condemned to comply with all the punishment and that while the aggressor was released, his mother and daughter were "controlled throughout the day".

They have also announced that they will attend the demonstration on the second Sunday of the La Concha Flag in Donostia-San Sebastián. The protest will start at 13:30 hours from Boulevard Donostiarra, under the motto "Bizi nahi dut" (Bizi nahi dut).