On November 29, 2018, 15 years have passed since the death of Sara Fernández Esparza, a neighbour of the Casco Viejo, as a result of the policy of dispersion that the Spanish State applies to Basque prisoners.
The neighbours of the Casco Viejo have denounced that, in these 30 years of dispersal policy, family members risk their lives every weekend. "For this to not happen again, it is essential to exercise memory and recognition. In particular, this death occurred when prison policy, which violates human rights, is maintained.
"We hear that in recent years new political times have come, but Basque prisoners are still scattered hundreds of kilometres away," he said.
Thus, and taking advantage of the fifteenth anniversary, a number of initiatives will be taken in the coming weeks. On the one hand, in the next municipal plenary of Pamplona, Sara Fernández Esparaza will be called a victim of politically motivated violence "as the Government of Navarra did a year and a half ago".
In addition, on 28 November, on the eve of the anniversary, a special event will be held at 19:00 in Katakrak in "for the memory and recognition of Sara". Finally, on the day of Pamplona, a demonstration against the dispersion will take place, as every year, starting from the plaza de los Ajos and paying tribute to Sara Fernández in the corner of the neighborhood.
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