Puente de Santiago 9,812 times, from the Melilla fence to the Hendaia fence
  • Imanol Espinazo will start the performance "La Cruz de Camino" on Sunday, walking the distance between the bridge of Santiago that connects Irun and Hendaia and the fence of Melilla.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abuztuaren 26a
Argazkia: Bide gurutzea / Imanol Espinazo

1,099 kilometers from the Melilla Valley to the Santiago Bridge. Imanol Espinazo wants to represent them on foot and on the bridge of Santiago in the performance La cruz de Bide. He pointed out that this was a pedestrian bridge monitored by the French police 24 hours a day, which prevented the crossing of the border between the Spanish and French states.

Nine people have died on the Bidasoa border in the last year, as Espinazo said: “Like the rest of the population of Hendaia, I am a daily witness of the consequences suffered by those trying to cross the border.” That's why Espinazo decides to walk. For a week you will be travelling to the bridge of Santiago to travel the kilometres between the fence and the bridge of Melilla. In silence, he invites everyone who wants to participate to follow the path with him. 9,812 trips to travel the 1,099 kilometers.

In fact, a week after the whole day it is very difficult for a single person to travel that length and count the commuting of the people participating on foot, making a shorter and shared journey.