For the first time in the concert of Santa Cecilia a woman will lead the full concert of the Music Band of Hernani
  • The musician Xixili was beheaded and in his honor Santa Cecilia is the day of the musicians. Like every year, around this day the Music Band of Hernani will offer a concert on November 19 at 7 pm on the arches of the Plaza de Hernani. But for the first time since the creation of this musical band in 1861, a woman will lead an entire concert of the band: Judith Montero Imaz de Hernani. And this concert is another novelty from the hand of women: the premiere of the piece "Dantzaharra", created by Anne Pérez de Azpeitia, composer and fagot of this band. The theme is also significant: the concert entitled "...the music swings..." will combine the body, movement and life.
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Hernaniko Musika Banda, zuzendari Judith Montero Imaz eta \"Dantzaharra\" lanaren egile Anne Pérez de Azpeitia Hamilton zutik direla.

The concert entitled “...the swings of music...” proposes to look at music from the movement of the body and make a musical reflection about its relationship with dance. But, at the same time, “...the cult of music...” refers to the hypnotic and fermenting part of music, which accompanies us in pleasant and hard situations, which connects us to life in unsafe situations, which helps us to that cult, which we like, involves us.

Start of the concert with the Ballet Vasco “Lau-Urteoak”

Written by José Franco Ribat and premiered in 1953 by the famous Ballet Olaeta, this group made a great innovation in the integration of Basque dances and classical ballet. The composer rounded this beautiful piece with popular melodies and refined compositional techniques. It is a parallelism between the four seasons of the year and the four seasons of life; the “Spring” is playful, indifferent and joyful, the “Summer” is a party and force of life.

“Autumn” is a calm, elegant and harmonious age and “Winter” is impregnated with Basque truffle. The end of the ballet is “Azkena”, a delicious plea in which all the characters of the town (life) converge.

Premiere of the piece "Dantzaharra"

Anne Pérez de Azpeitia Hamilton is fagot of the Music Band of Hernani, composer and composer of Azkue and Aita Donostia

from the Doneztebe / Santesteban Flag gathered in the cancioneros, complete the piece "Dantzaharra" for this day. In it, the archaic sonority has combined with the new compositional languages, creating an expressive and suggestive piece, full of symbolism, often close to film language. The dark forests, the fears and, at the same time, the dance, the life, the music of the palaces -- who want to hear this play for the first time, can enjoy a concert.

Sketch Sinfonic "Lokatza" by the former director of the Bergara Band

In the end they will perform the Sketch Sinfonic “Lokatza”, composed by Alfredo Gozález Chirlaque, former director of the Bergara Band. Written for the cycling team Lokatza de Bergara, we can say that it is a good description of a race, as this composition brings together, on the one hand, the speedy race of the cyclists and, on the other, the festive and festive atmosphere that generates in the town.

The Young Band of Hernani is added at the end of the band

The concert will end with “Disney Favorites” and “The Hey Song”, integrating the Young Band of Hernani in the celebration of Santa Cecilia. The aim of this initiative is to connect young musicians from Hernani with the Band, a good meeting point and encouragement for young musicians.


Under the direction of Judith Montero Imaz, the Hernani Music Band will offer the following works:

- Double “Agüero”. José Franco Izenpe (1878-1951)

- Ballet Vasco “Lau-Urteoak”. José Franco Izenpe (1878-1951)

- Theme and variations “Moving Heaven and Earth”. Philip Spark (1951-)

- “Dantzaharra” (premiere). Anne Pérez de Azpeitia Hamilton (1995-)

- Sketch Sinfonic “Barro”. Alfredo González Chirlaque (1956-)

- “Disney Favorites”. Bob Lowden (1920-1998)

- “The Hey Song.” M. Leander (1941-1996) &G. Gitter (1944-) Arr: P. Lavender