The military of the sanfermines group rape was fined with 150,000 euros for spreading the video of the aggression
  • The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has fined the military Alfonso Jesús Cabezuelo who raped a woman in Pamplona in 2016 with other men. The member of the group, known as the "flock", must pay EUR 150,000 per month, according to the same sources.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 02a
Sanferminetako talde-bortxaketaren epaiaren aurkako manifestazio bat (argazkia: Feministalde).

According to El Secreto, Spanish Army member Alfonso Jesús Cabezuelo, who participated in the group rape with a 39-second video, was the one who released the video.

According to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the dissemination of these images had a significant impact on the health and sexual life of the woman being assaulted, according to the ruling of the Provincial Court of Navarra.

They have therefore imposed a fine of EUR 150,000 on Cabezuelo for the dissemination of the video recorded by Cabezuelo, as "anyone has been able to see the images".

Confidential has advanced that it could reduce the fine to 90,000 euros if Cabezuelo does not resort to it and makes that amount effective.