Oihana Goiriena, wife of Pablo González
"Sanchez says they're for Paul, but I see they support Poland."
  • On Sunday at the San Sebastian Alternative Film Festival, he recalled Pablo González, a journalist who has been in prison for almost seven months in Poland. To do this, you first see the documentary Living the War and then you chat with Oihana Goiriena. The Txantxarreka cheese factory in Antigua has been completed and Goiriena has received great applause for her struggle.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2022ko irailaren 19a
Oihana Goirienaren bidez, Gonzalezen egoera hobeto ezagutzeko aukera izan dute hurbildutakoek. (Joseba Parron / Irutxuloko Hitza)

Free Pablo González was named Sunday of the Alternative Film Festival. In the streets of the Old District of San Sebastian the posters with the faces of Pablo González claimed their freedom.

After seeing the film, Goiriena details the case of her husband and, among other things, publicly shows that she continues to feel unprotected from the Government of Spain. It stresses that the Secretariat for External Action of the Basque Government maintains a different position, as they maintain their relationship and follow up, and that it appreciates such a relationship from the Government of Spain.

"[From the Government of Spain] they say it works, but I see no results. And what I see is that they support Poland. Minister Pedro Sánchez and Minister Alvarez moved to Poland and, after meeting with the Minister and the President of Foreign Affairs, they say that Pavel has consular support and that that is enough. They said that above all they will protect the legality of Poland."



This is particularly painful for Goiriena, who is infringing the fundamental rights of the Basque journalist Poland. The latest news is that Gonzalez has reported to the European Court of Human Rights that Poland is infringing its human rights because it has no "guarantee of minority justice".

"While Poland is violating its fundamental rights, let Spain say that it will defend the legality of Poland, it is painful"

Gonzalez’s lawyer recalls that the Strasbourg Court has issued several judgments saying that “the gravity of the crime, the possibility of escaping or hindering the legal process are not enough to keep the detention for so long”. On two occasions, the journalist has been extended provisional prison, he was ordered to be detained for three months, in June he was extended for so many months, and in August the extension of three more months was accepted at the request of the Prosecutor ' s Office.

"While Poland is violating its fundamental rights, to say Spain, it is painful. And it shouldn't be that way. First rights and then legality. In addition, Paul has a Spanish passport, so according to his laws, he is a Spanish citizen. Sanchez and Alvarez should give priority to the defense of their citizens and not to the legality of Poland".

The people gathered at the screening of the gaztetxe Txantxarreka of San Sebastian gave a warm applause to Goiriena.

(Joseba Parron)