V Centenary of the Battle of San Marcial
  • There is not enough fire with the Alardes of Irun and Hondarribia, and we also want to pour petrol: on the one hand, with the creation of the "V Centenary of the Battle of Saint Martial" Foundation; and, on the other, by inviting the Infantry Regiment number 67, the Old Third of Sicily, which is located in the centennial of Loiola to participate in the events.
Fernando Merino 2019ko apirilaren 25
Irun 1522 fundazioak Loiolako kuarteleko agintari militarren aurrean egindako aurkezpenaren berri eman zuen bere webgunean.

The creation of the Foundation aims to recall and highlight the intervention in the struggle of the Castilian thirds for the extinction of the conquest of the kingdom of Navarre in order to force the kingdom of Castile; and the lie that here the enemies were French historikoa.Irunen and the battles that are held in Hondarribia, of course, with the participation of the Duke of Alba, the Hell of Navarre.

Both the organizers and the historians dedicated to the organization of the celebrations know very well that this is the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Navarre by the Kingdom of Castile.

Today, the events of the year a thousand five hundred cannot be judged, in the thought of then, in an uncritical manner, as if not long had passed, but by analysing the consequences of those events.

The history of the kingdom of Pamplona, which would later be of Navarre, as was customary at the time, was based on the covenants and the matrimonial relations between the feudal lords. Navarre was closely surrounded by the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile, both wanting to become owners of the kingdom. The route of conquest of Navarre was very long, beginning in the 12th century (1134.ean), which ended the subjection to the kingdom of Castile in the 16th century (1524). The motto of the Infantry of Navarra has not yet been forgotten: "Pro libertate patria, gens liberates state." For the homeland to be free, society also needs freedom.

In those years, because the Navarre monarchy was related to the French and the kingdom was fragmented, it was just the alliance with France, forming a Franco-Navarro army to deal with the Castilian aggression. This situation has been able to maintain for centuries a historical lie: believing that the last wars were against the French, leaving aside their kingdom in the struggle of the Navarros territories. The cities of Irun and Hondarribia continue to celebrate the fight against the French, forgetting that this was the Navarre Coast.

The Catholic Kings organized, apart from all the nobles, a professional and structured army, made up of the Thirds of the Kings who dominate the Crown, to group Spain in one and only against Navarre, among other things, and later in Europe. The Millan Legion...

After the victory of the Army of the Empire in Villalar, the development of Spain began to develop outside Europe. Since then, the phrase that Europe ends in the Pyrenees makes sense. The European cities, in their development, promoted the creation of a bourgeoisie that boosted trade and research and the arts. They laid the foundations of the modern world, recognizing the freedom of thought and, ultimately, adapting the character of society and that of individuals. That was the path that Europe took. The Spanish cities, meanwhile, were placed in the custody of the medieval empire and the Inquisition. Later, for centuries, some would have been able to proudly scream: "Spain is different! ".

In Europe there will be the strengthening, the impulse, the influence of the bourgeois (cities), while in Spain the intrinsic power of the communities will disappear. In Spain the hydalguide, the arrogance, the picaresca will last a long time... and it will be good to live on income... The nobiliary world has gained in the face of the world of normal men, as opposed to that of the third life, in which they carry out their trades and trade. In addition, the discovery of America brought with it great riches, and curiously, instead of investing in Spain, they were used to buy products produced in Europe. This situation, maintained over the centuries, left a mark and gave birth to the following: ‘investigate themselves’. In addition to the oppression of the nobles, the assistance of the Catholic Church in the social and cultural backwardness of the people of the people was also important. The Inquisition was a very important element in controlling and dominating the population.

Seeing the historic consequences that this has had for Euskal Herria and civil society, it does not seem that it is the interior that commands the tributes, the greetings of joy, or the celebration of nothing. In addition, knowing the social instability of the Alardes in the celebrations of the Festivities in Irun and Hondarribia, I thought that this initiative commemorating those wars, not only brings us to satiety, but to rage.


*Fernando Merino is a PhD in Economics from the
UPV/EHU (Translation of this opinion article by Jesús Mari Mendizabal 'Bizargorri')