40 anniversary
They have denounced that Lasa and Zabala have not yet been recognised as “victims of terrorism”
  • On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the murder of Joxean Lasa and Joxi Zabala, they celebrated an act of memory in Busot, Alicante, where their bodies had been hidden. The two tolosarras remember with a great floral offering.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko urriaren 09a
Lasa eta Zabala oroitzeko senide eta lagunek egindako ekitaldia (Argazkia: Tolosako Udala)

It is forty years since the tolosarras Joxean Lasa and Joxi Zabala were kidnapped in Baiona, tortured in San Sebastian, killed and buried in Busot. The Egia Zor Foundation celebrated a tribute this Saturday at the place where their bodies were found. In addition to family members, friends and local citizens, political representatives have also attended denouncing that, after 40 years, they have not yet recognised the two young people as “victims of terrorism”.

In total, about 50 people have gathered. They remember them with a great floral offering and plant a carob in the same place where they found the corpses. The mayor of Tolosa, Andu Martínez de Rituerto, has been present today in the act to remind the two tolosarras that “they suffered the violence of the para-police forces of the Spanish State”. He also stresses that family members continue “without official recognition”.

The relatives of the victims have also intervened. Pili Zabala, sister of Joxi Zabala, and Axun Lasa, sister of Joxean Lasa, have called for a “sincere approach to the state” to recognize what happened that night on 15 October 1983 and to recognize their brothers as victims. Martínez de Rituerto stressed that “he refused the right to give a final dignified greeting to relatives and citizens.”

The Egia Zor Foundation urges the Government of the Spanish State to assume “the responsibilities of all human rights violations caused by state terrorism” and to recognize the “pain caused” in a message broadcast on the social network X. The Foundation has announced that in the coming days other activities will be carried out to remember Lasa and Zabala: on 10 October screening of the film Lasa and Zabala in the institutes of Tolosa and on 20 October last event on the topic Aretoa de Tolosa