They report that the demand for Euskera in the children's schools in Pamplona is 15% higher than that reported by the city council
  • On 9 May the lists of premature babies have been released and the association Haur Eskoletako Guraso Elkartea has denounced that the demand in Basque “limited” to 20% by the City of Pamplona is 35.2%. They also stress that Euskera cannot be measured in the parameters of supply and demand, as “all children” have the right to learn Euskera.
Leire Artola Arin 2022ko maiatzaren 09a
Iruñeko haur eskoletan euskararen bazterketa gelditzeko eskatu diete instituzioei. / Argazkia: iaz egindako agerraldi bat. LAB.

The Association of Fathers and Mothers of Children's Schools has analyzed the data of the preterm mothers of children's schools in Pamplona published on Monday, according to the demand of the Basque Country. Well, according to reports, statistics have shown that demand in Euskera is 15% higher than what the institutions say. Parents estimate that the average demand in the areas where there is supply in Euskera is 35.2% and not 20%, according to the city council data: “The City of Pamplona has limited the demand in Euskera to 20%, making false statistics and propaganda of its will,” said HE Gurasoen Elkartea. They warn that statistics cannot be assessed in “absolute statistical data”, but in data from neighborhood to neighborhood. In fact, in the middle of Pamplona there are no places in Euskera, for example, and they stress that closeness is an important factor for parents when choosing children's school.

Data: Parents of Children's Schools

Likewise, they indicate that the Basque country cannot be measured through the parameters of supply-demand: “All children have the right to learn Basque.” The association asks the Government of Navarra and the City of Pamplona to stop the exclusion of the Basque Country and claim that classes for children from 0 to 3 years need “close and in the model of immersion”.