Communication to the Sagastizales
  • He arrived in the Basque Country in 2018. Another migrant who has become naturalized and Euskaldunized. Welcome you. A few at first, the plague by 2023.
Jakoba Errekondo 2024ko urriaren 28a
Hectonichus / CCA-SA-4.0-I

They come from Asia, China, Korea and Japan. At the end of the last century, he invaded the United States; in 2004 he went to Europe, he landed in Switzerland. There he gets his papers and quickly spreads from one side to the other. The Swiss passport meant the opening of doors throughout Europe. Now, the brutal policy against European immigration is not going to stop it immediately, and the invasion has almost become interference, as it has entered us inside the houses and in the most important place of the houses today it moves us between the shower and the bathroom mirror.

It's a weathery, fat wilt (Halyomorfa halys). We already know the plant bed bugs and, above all, the cimacio of the bed (Cimex lectularius), which conforms us and lives from our blood. These bed bugs that today plague the houses come from a species that was originally fed from the blood of the bats that lived in the caves, many years ago. When people lived in caves, the bed chopp began to feed herself by sucking her blood. Later, when they left the caves and began to develop agricultural civilizations, bed bugs opened up with them. Since then, our bed is on site, the bed in the water. Being so ours, in addition to Zimitz’s name, he has at least “imicha”, “iminxa”, “chinche” and “purnas”; most of them explain that feeling his bichava reminds him of pinch, remorse or squirrel.

Foul-smelling ciml is an epidemic in our country in recent years. Spend the year eating by leaves, sprouts, branches, fruits of flowers, etc. of plants. Click and suck sweat causing significant damage. It attacks more than 100 species, including peach (Prunus persica), peral (Pyrus communnis), sheath (Phaseolus vulgaris), sojari (Glycine max), cherry (Prunus cerasus) and mugurdi (Rubus idaeus); and the great Malus of sagastias. It can be taken into account by apple lovers here. With spots and holes in the skin, the leaves fade, prevents plant growth and if you are young you can die, can prevent the production of grain fruits or cause them to fall. The strong stench that comes off uses it to scare its enemies. If you can't identify plant damage, put the soapy water in a bowl, pull them in and drown. Wash the stench and stench with soap. If they are the same, here are the remedies. Vinegar and bicarbonate: mix half a liter of water vinegar and add a tablespoon of bicarbonate, mix well and spray until the plant dissolves. Clove and garlic water: place in a liter of water 20 grams of clove (Syzygium aromatium) and 3-4 pieces of garlic (Allium sativum), boil refrigerated and pulverized plants for a quarter hour, which can be protected in the containers on the plants. It's best to go ahead, plant repellent plants. Being smelly, he doesn't like sweet scents; put on the ones that spread them: mendas (Mentha spp. ), basil (Ocimum basilicum), lavender (Lavandulá spp. ), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), thyme (Thymus comunnis), oregano (Origanum vulgare) and ajenjo (Artemisa absinthium).

In October, when the day is cut and the cold starts, it is time to take refuge in the houses. It will enter through the window and it will be hidden in the curtain or in some of the slits of the sweet couch. He had just arrived and had found no better place to spend the winter than the heat of the house. It's not that it's grown to the letter.

And remember Zuberoa's expression, unbearable for the uncomfortable child: This is a purmother-of-pearl child!