Of apples and frost
  • Today I had to write with ultra fast band. I had to tell myself how with the Next Generation funds, that is, with the money of the descendants, they have brought the ultra-fast band to the Internet to these places. How the authorities thought it would be best if an ultra-fast band could also reach the homes and farms lost on the mountain to enable us to see, among other things – and in their words – high-resolution series. Imagine all this at 100 megas/second like on the street! The budget I have found is as follows: €2,356,000.
Josebe Blanco Alvarez 2023ko urriaren 16a
Argazkia: Hans Hillewaert /CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0

I had to tell them that long ago, workers from a subcontractor came to offer them and we told them no. However, by surprise, the band has arrived; although here we only live people in three houses, the other six are empty or are gastronomic societies. It seems that the partners in the associations need it, even the empty villages. I have to write about underground jobs, salaries and the materials that this means, so that they are not used.

I wanted to write that it is difficult to recognize that use of public money, and that in some cases an ultra-fast band will be needed, but to have an Internet connection there are much cheaper and more efficient systems: for example, the work of the Güifinet Foundation is here, thanks to the work of those in small cooperatives.

I would like to tell the authorities that they can make more necessary investments. For example, transport. What do we know that the bus will not come home, but the service of a taxi previously ordered? At least to get to school... This, among other things, would bring children to live in the cottages without their parents going crazy.

But I prefer to write with apples and frost. Because we are in full shape.

We're already making jam and apple candy for the next two years. If the joy is to be looking at apples, the satisfaction is even greater when the shelves are filled every day. The smell of apple gives weeks in the kitchen, delights us. Yes, every time we go down to the apples, we have to thank the apples. His work on this point, particularly difficult in the conditions of the last two years, must be acknowledged in some way.

The time, which during the winter will be a golden bed, is the time for its collection. We have to do it with all the mime at its point so as not to issue. Fern puts us to look towards the winter: I would like to dream of the nests that will leave the sheep after their reclinations.

I would only write with time and apples, which are the ones that really connect us to life.