Nord Stream gas pipes: the main hypothesis is sabotage and Germany believes that they have been damaged forever
  • A gas leak was reported to have been detected at the Nord Stream pipeline on Tuesday. The main hypothesis is sabotage, although the authorship of the action is not clear; Russia has been found guilty by Poland and Ukraine, and some have suggested that it may be a sabotage by EE.UU, based on the words of the Polish MEP Radek Sikorski and on the video of a February hearing on the destruction of Biden Nord Stream.
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Because of the bubbles that emerged underwater, one kilometre stain can be seen in the waters of the Baltic Sea, Sweden and Denmark. This is demonstrated by the photographs taken by the Danish army. On Tuesday, coinciding with the diffusion of the image, the reason for it was made known: A leak was detected at the Nord Stream gas pipeline used by Russia to transport gas to Germany. Specifically, three discharges have been found: one in Nord Stream 2 gas and two in Nord Stream 1 gas. They were both at the time of an out-of-use spill, as Nord Stream 2 has never been launched and Nord Stream 1 has been out of service since a few weeks ago Russia reported an oil spill and cut off the tube’s gait. However, although not in operation, both conductions were filled with gas.

Once the landfill has been detected, the cause of the landfill is analyzed. The information made public by the seismographers has put the hypothesis of sabotage on the table. The seismologists identified two explosions that occurred on Monday underwater, one in the early hours of Sunday to Monday and another in the afternoon of Monday. According to statements by the director of the Swedish Seismic Network, SNSN, Björn Lund, explosions are undoubtedly identified. According to statements by Josef Senz, spokesman for the German Geological Research Centre (CRJ) to the newspaper El País, no earthquakes have been detected that could cause fractures. According to the newspaper, only one state can be able, according to experts, to cause a breakdown in the depth in which the Nord Stream gas pipelines are located.

The newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, citing sources from the German government, has published that the deteriorated will not be repaired in the short term, so it is likely that water will enter the pipes, which will damage the walls.

Sabotage yes, but who has done it?

Knowing this information, therefore, the hypothesis of sabotage is the one that has acquired the most strength. However, it has not yet been clarified who carried out the sabotage. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, for example, looks at Russia. And so has Ukraine, accusing Russia of having committed a "terrorist attack" to harm Europe. Mykhaylo Podolya, advisor to Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski, spoke on Twitter as follows: "Gas leakage from NS-1 [Nord Stream 1] is a terrorist attack planned by Russia against the EU. Russia wants to destabilise Europe's economic situation in order to cause panic before the winter."

Russia appeared "very concerned" on Tuesday, although Kremlin spokeswoman Dimitri Peskov has confined herself to saying that no version can be rejected.

But there are also those who point it in another direction. Images from an appearance by U.S. President Joe Biden in February opened up to social media on Tuesday. There, Biden showed journalists his intentions to destroy Nord Stream 2:



In the same vein, the Polish MEP Radek Sikorski has regarded the United States as the perpetrator of the attack. the representative of EE.UU. in the European Parliament thanks for the attacks by Nord Stream and can be read as a claim for the attack.


Without clarifying the authorship of sabotage, the European Commission has shown its readiness to respond strongly. "The voluntary disruption of active energy infrastructure in Europe is unacceptable and will provide the hardest possible response," said Ursula von der Leyen.