On November 15, we will celebrate in Errenteria-Orereta the three days organized by the different agents that make up Euskal Herria Digitala. This is a feminist digital self-defense workshop and a talk about democratic digitalisation.
The members of Movie Tech will offer the practical workshop “Feminist Digital Self-Defense” in the Torrekua building. In the workshop we will focus on the identification of digital threats and their effects. To do so, we will try to understand how these threats are detected and their consequences in our everyday reality. We will analyze the main strategies for prevention and response to risk situations.
The ineffectiveness of global administrations, the lack of strategic views and the oligopoly of digital oligarchies and technological giants, want to put an end to the Internet that we
knew, but we are not going to leave them.
In the afternoon, Simona Levi will offer a talk entitled “The Challenge of Democratic Digitalisation” in the Joxepa Antonia Aranberri building. We will study the use of technologies to promote citizen participation and social change. Levi is committed to a more inclusive and accessible democracy, and underlines the need for digital tools to promote transparency, accountability and citizen empowerment. Through examples and reflections, the rapporteur will invite us to reflect on the current challenges in the field of digital democracy.
It is also a cry for a decentralized movement, more than S2. We could keep on making Trump, but the time has come to recover and reinvent the networks. It can be the symbol that we can use in networks, in organizations, in initiatives -- the flag of those who want to reclaim networks and make the decision to reinvent ourselves as we do.
The prosperity generated through the Internet has been flouted. The ineffectiveness of global administrations, the lack of strategic views, on the one hand, and the oligopoly of digital oligarchies and technological giants, on the other, are intended to make the Internet that we knew disappear, but we do not leave it.
Like on the street, we will also fight in our organizations and, of course, in the network. We will continue to develop our infrastructures, develop ethical models and free of artificial intelligence in the territory, create stimulating communities online, continue to create and defend free software, we will remain firm in our fight for privacy, we will turn in the neutrality of the network, we will opt for free access to information and transparency.
And even if for a moment they dominated the Internet or much of it and imposed artificial scarcity, we would organize resistance. Once again, making use of decentralization, but synchronizing the complex processes, each according to their capacity, until they can reinvent the Internet to suit their needs.
Wanting is not enough, but it is essential to want. Taking care of ourselves and enjoying ourselves, we must imagine, do and consolidate with responsibility the new Internet. There is no alternative!
Gorka Julio Hurtado, member of the Talaios cooperative and member of the Euskal Herria Digitala