On the 10th anniversary of the revolution in the fate of the Rojava storm
Kurdistanekin Elkartasuna ekimena @Kurdistanekin1 2022ko uztailaren 19a

Ten years after the Rojava Revolution, we could celebrate a beautiful ephemeris, while the grave situation of the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria has shown international blindness. The attempts to destroy this emancipatory project not only come from the hand of Turkey, but the imperialist powers also seek to put an end to the democratic progress of Kurdistan. What will humanity lose if Rojava has been ignored? In this small territory, the Revolution set an obvious milestone. The policies developed by the authorities in the region were aimed at the denial of the identity, culture, language and existence of the Kurdish people.

And in addition to the Kurdish people, the Arameans, the Turcomans, the Armenians, the Assyrians -- an entire ethnic diversity saw its end close by. But the understanding of the Rojava Revolution cannot be limited to a specific geographic space, or to some symbols or acronyms that turned around the world. This multi-ethnic society was organized to launch the Revolution, took refuge until the exhaustion of the violent attack of ISIS and liberated humanity from these savages financed by their Western friends.

"After the last NATO meeting, the neo-Ottoman Turkey is more proud than ever and is more legitimised than ever to carry out its expansionist purpose"

Let us remember 1 November 2014. Then the protective forces YPG/YPJ expelled Daesh mercenaries from Koban. The ability of the Kurdish people to develop their own democratic structures is the result of the ideological development of decades. They are based on the liberation of women, understood as a guarantee of a free society, and radical, basic and multi-ethnic democracy. Kurdish liberation movements within the framework of a broader political struggle called Democratic Confederalism. Today, Rojava society is preparing to face a new invasion of Turkey. Erdogan announces that he will occupy 30 kilometres of Syrian territory under the excuse of his army creating a security zone. Since 2016, Turkey has made several invasions in the territory of Rojava: it has bombed in Afri, Serecaniye, Giro Spi, and in southern Kurdistan the territory of the Yezidias, the refugee camps and the protective posts of the guerrilla mountains. The administration of Rojava is clear: Arrival of day X.

After the last NATO meeting, the neo-Ottoman Turkey is more proud than ever and feels more legitimated than ever to carry out its expansionist purpose. It would be a perplexity to think that the so-called Western partners of the Administration are going to go into the Ottoman expansionist plan. It must be borne in mind that the fight against the Islamic State, among others, was an excuse for closely monitoring US movements in southern Syria. For its part, Russia reached an agreement with Turkey to give an ultimatum to YPG and YPJ: They called for the Rojava region to be transferred to the central government of Syria, otherwise it would have invaded the territory.

"The Rojava Revolution has entered a new phase and internationalists cannot fall into simplistic reductionisms"

The Assad government has not given any recognition to the Autonomous Administration, and human rights organizations have denounced that Afri is probably the region most affected by rights throughout Syria. This would not be possible without that pact between Russia and Turkey. We must not forget, however, that Turkey, Russia and Iran have their own relationship framework around the war in Syria, the Astana treaties. They have distributed the areas of influence. In other words, there is no frontis against Turkey, nor similar proposals. Moreover, Russia has wanted to use the Syrian situation to remove Turkey from the Atlantic alliance fuelled by its imperial Ottoman ambition. As a left-wing force, we should assimilate it as soon as possible.

The present reality of imperialism is not at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and the space left by the United States in the Middle East after the failure of Iraq has encouraged regional powers to occupy these areas, such as Turkey and Iran. The Rojava Revolution has entered a new phase and the internationalists cannot fall into simplistic reductionisms. The people of Rojava have been fighting for ten years and over 12,000 fighters have fallen. Now it's called the Rojava Revolution!